Writing in the 1980s, Warren Bennis perhaps captured the difference between management and leadership with his statement that "American business are over-managed but under-led", suggesting that a more inspirational attitude should be adopted by modern enterpreneurs. Tom Peters and Robert Waterman built on this shortly afterwards, suggesting that managers needed to be "facilitators" and "creators" rather than "controllers" or, in the words, "traffic cops".
What is a Leader?
An organisation needs people who can direct staff towards the achievement of certain objectives. These people we call "leaders", and it is their responsibility to complete tasks with the assistance of the group of staff at their disposal.
All managers and supervisors are leaders, because they need to motivate their team to achieve agreed objectives. The task may vary from planning and carrying out a major restructuring of the company's organisation, to ensuring that the day's work in hight-street outlet is processed and balanced.
there is no one correct way of effective leadership. it cannot be guaranteed that, because an individual has certain characteristics, he will be a good leader. charismatic leaders, who have the ability to drive people willingly through difficult times (e.g. Churchill in word war II) have innate natural talents. Of course, is it not sufficient just to possed these abilities-they must be used effectively and developed over time. most leaders need to work at their skills and, by training and experience, build up the necessary qualities.