Analisa Sistem Penilaian Kinerja dan Hambatannya - Analyze of Performance Appraisal System and The Biases [skripsi]

The performance Appraisal System is very important for employee’s development within a company progress. Besides the right choice of the system, the management should conduct the evaluation free from biases as well in order to gain the maximum function of Performance Appraisal. When conducting the Performance Appraisal contaminated by biases, therefore the result of the evaluation is fully inaacurate because it does not represent the actual performance level of an employee.
The writer analyzed all data from various source by performing interviews and observation in this research, therefore the writer found out that a number of biases has exist during the process of performance evaluation in STARBUCKS Coffee, Surabaya.

Key words:
Performance Appraisal System, Conducting Performance Appraisal
Interviews, The Biases

Sistem penilaian kinerja sanat penting untuk perkembangan kinerja karyawan di dalam sebuah perusahaan. Selain penggunaan sistem penilaian kinerja yang tepat juga dibutuhkan pelaksanaannya yang bebas dari hambatan agar dapat berfungsi dengan maksimal. jika di dalam pelaksanaan penilaian kinerja serta pemberian feedback tersebut terkontaminasi oleh hambatan-hambatan maka hasil penilaian kinerja tersebut menjadi tidak akurat karena tidak merepresentasikan tingkat kinerja karyawan yang sesungguhnya terjadi di lapangan. Setelah melakukan penelitian dan analisa terhadap data yang diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dan observasi maka penulis melihat bahwa terdapat beberapa hambatan yang terjadi di dalam penilaian kinerja yang dilaksanakan oleh pihak manajemen STARBUCKS Coffee di Surabaya.

As Howard Schultz, Chairman and CEO of STARBUCKS Coffee mentions, “why should we have the employees if they can be our partners?”,The management of STARBUCKS Coffee, highly appreciate the employees as their partners by sharing their company’s share which they called bean stock to all of the employees from barista to the top manager. It is one of the main key which keeps STARBUCKS Coffee still grow larger and spread to the whole world as one of the leading companies in providing quality beverages and food products.
In order to develop and maintain plenty of quality human resources, STARBUCKS Coffee creates performance standards. This standards are well known by each partner and their obligation is to fulfill their duties according to the standards. If the performance exceeds the standards, a partner will be given rewards from the company, on the other hand, if a partner’s performance is slightly below the standards they will receive a verbal notice or a warning letter when the performance is very poor. To specify the standards those have been implemented, the company uses several sophisticated systems of performance appraisals. In STARBUCKS Coffee, Surabaya, the writer fined out that there is a negative phenomenon among the partners about this performance appraisal. The partners seem unsatisfied and unsupportive during the performance evaluation.

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