Analisis Pengaruh Suku Bunga Kredit, Kurs Dollar Amerika Dan Inflasi Terhadap Volume Ekspor Kerajinan Anyaman Provinsi Bali Periode 1992-2005

I Nyoman Rindra Hanjaswara

Export is represent of existing from international economics. The crafting is one of the main commodities export in Province of Bali. The center Industry which is rounded by flatten the totality regency exist in Bali and also raw material from crafting which majority got from plantation product in Bali, causing crafting become potential to be developed. The growth number of crafting ekpor of Bali in 1992-2005 tending to experience of the fluctuation with the growth equal to 36,1 graduity each year. Therefore this research analyze the variable which influencing the crafting number export in Province Bali like rate of interest credit,
American dollar rate and inflation in range of time 1992-2005. this Research target is to analyse the influence of rate of interest credit, American dollar rate and inflation to the crafting export in Bali, partial and simultaneous. The analyze in this research is using F test and t test by using SPSS program.
Result of data analysis show, that simultaneously rate of interest credit, American dollar rate and inflation have an effect on the significant to the export in Province of Bali period Bali 1992-2005. By parsial, rate of interest of credit and inflation are not have an effect on the significant to volume export, while American dollar rate have an effect on positive and significant to volume of [crafting/ diligence] of matting of period Bali 1992-2005
Keywords : Eksport, interest, inflation

Persamaan Pengaruh Suku Bunga Kredit, Kurs Dollar Amerika dan Inflasi terhadap Ekspor Kerajinan Menggunakan program SPSS, hasil olahan data diperoleh sebagai berikut :
Persamaan garis linear bergandanya menjadi :
Y = -232.569,5 + 112.963,816 X1 + 201,125 X2 – 13.337,452X3
Melalui pemograman yang sama diperoleh hasil Pengujian Ekonometrika ketiga variabel bebas yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu Suku Bunga Kredit, Kurs Dollar Amerika dan Inflasi memiliki nilai VIF di bawah 10 dan tolerance di atas 0,10. Ini berarti tidak terjadi multikolinearitas antara jumlah produksi, harga komoditi dan kurs dollar Amerika. Selanjutnya, dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh, bahwa 4-du (1,97) <> F tabel 3,71, maka Ho ditolak. Ini berarti bahwa suku bunga kredit, kurs Dollar Amerika dan inflasi scara serempak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap volume ekspor kerajinan anyaman Provinsi Bali.
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